Interesting facts about natural fur

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Interesting facts about natural fur
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When planning to buy fur for the new season, make sure you know this unique natural material well. We have gathered interesting facts about the fur industry for you – they will help you to look at your favorite fur clothing in a new way.

  1. Not all mink is the same. Depending on the breed, mink fur has a huge number of natural colors, the raw materials differ in length of spun and down hair.
  2. Sale of mink skins is carried out at special auctions, where fur is carefully selected for the size and type of color, forming lots for implementation.
  3. To date, the most common fur in the world is a Scandinavian selection mink.
  4. The most popular and large fur auctions are held in Finland, Denmark and the United States.
  5. Fur at the auctions sell lots, which includes fur, identical in characteristics. Several lots are united in a string, and samples from each string demonstrate to buyers. During the auction the price of the most valuable and rare fur raw materials can increase many times. The best fur sold at auctions is guaranteed for 20 years.
  6. Fur of various animals, used for sewing clothes, has different wearing period – the standard is considered to be the fur of seals and otters, which fully retains its appearance and properties during the 10 seasons of socks.
  7. In addition to traditional technologies of fur dressing, other methods of fur treatment are often used. Not only does it not lose its quality, but it also acquires new useful properties: when cutting hair, it is shortened by the same length – the fur becomes more elegant in appearance. For example, beaver skins are plucked to remove coarse spun hair and to achieve special softness and tenderness of fur.
  8. Keep the fur coat and coat on wide shoulders. Forget about storage in boxes and on narrow metal hangers, if you care about your coat! Before storing the fur, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special insecticide product.
  9. A professional dry-cleaner can preserve the presentable appearance and glossiness of a fur product for a long time.
  10. In special fur storages, things are stored at low temperatures and optimal air humidity. In cooled rooms fur retains its elasticity, softness and shine of pile better.

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