Young foxes from our fur farm, which appeared as a result of breeding, are offered for sale and waiting for customers. Puppies of the spring litter are developing according to their age and are well suited for keeping in mini zoos. The animals are active, with proper nutrition and maintenance, the young gain weight quickly and acquire the necessary coloration and density of fur. All animals are viable and clinically sound.
Attention buyers!
Please note that keeping foxes and lynx fall under the law of the Russian Federation “On responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” from 27.12.2018 № 498-FZ. Thus, when purchasing this type of animals, the Buyer must provide a permit to keep, or a license to keep and use animals in zoos, zoo gardens, circuses, zoo theaters, dolphinariums, oceanariums in accordance with Federal Law № 99-FZ “On licensing certain types of activities” from May 4, 2011.