Very soon in Helsinki (Finland) will be held another international fur auction Saga Furs, where fur industry professionals and connoisseurs of quality fur will be able to buy exclusive fur raw materials. Saltykovsky fur farm will also present its products at the auction – elite sable fur of the breed Saltykovskaya 1, as well as mink fur will be put up for sale.
International fur auction Saga Furs is an event that brings together leading fur industry professionals from around the world interested in purchasing quality natural fur. Our fur farm has been participating in the auction since 2018, adequately representing elite furs. In previous years of cooperation with the auction, our fur farm has successfully sold large batches of sable fur. Sable, bred in our fur farm as a result of continuous breeding and tribal work, has a unique color and density of fur – raw materials have different degrees of gray. All production has necessary certification of the auction.
Inspection of raw materials at the auction will be organized from 27.03.2020 to 31.03.2020: during this period you can get acquainted with the submitted lots, study all the documentation on the production of the fur farm. Fur auction will be held from 01.04.2020 to 07.04.2020: exclusive fur from our fur farm is in consistently high demand among connoisseurs, and is sold in the first days of sales. Zverosovkhoz “Saltykovsky” invites everyone to visit our stand at an auction in Helsinki!