Any product made of natural fur is a real decoration of the winter wardrobe, however, in order to preserve its brilliance, softness and elasticity of the pile, this natural material requires careful and systematic care.
Outerwear, hats and accessories made of natural fur are subject to pollution in the same way as other things: on the surface of the fur there may appear shiny and oily stains, scuffed, areas with felted pile. You should not try to remove these defects on your own – you can only aggravate the situation and spoil your favorite thing. Put aside the home economics tutorial with its fur care tips, and entrust this work to professionals.
Professional dry-cleaning of products from natural fur will allow you to return things to their original appearance, relieve them of unpleasant odors, make the fur brighter, more shiny and elastic. The use of special preparations and modern methods of processing furs is absolutely safe for the pile and fur core: even a fur coat inherited from your grandmother will become softer and pleasant to the touch. The annual dry-cleaning of fur items is an excellent preventive measure against moths: the fat and dirt that this insect loves so much is removed from the fur surface. Professional furriers recommend cleaning the fur items once a year, at the end of the season they wear socks. A clean product must be placed in an individual case and stored for storage. If the lining of your fur coat is worn out and has become decrepit, you must replace it in time: this way you will extend the life of the fur item.
Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to wear your favorite thing for a long time and receive compliments about its appearance.